Monday, February 14, 2005


Dishing Out Some Love on Valentine's Day

It's Valentine's Day, so, contrary to the Stankeye! moniker, I guess I should spread some love on what is quickly becoming a blog rife with constant complaining and anti-Mathenyism. Since the following guys took the time to plug my fledgling blog on their web pages, I feel I should return the favor:

As if he needs me to spread the word about him, John Perricone runs what is probably THE Giants blog on the web, Only Baseball Matters. Few writers mix common sense and baseball knowledge as sublimely as he does, and his take on the recent steroid scandal is a nice refresher from the ridiculous speculation you get from most of the media.

Then there's my all-time favorite, McCovey Chronicles, formerly known as Waiting For Boof. This is by far the most hilarious Giants blog anywhere on the Internet. No one mixes insight, humor, and random references to crappy FOX shows better. The author also has a pathological hatred of Neifi Perez that makes my disdain for El Neifi pale in comparison. If these two were to meet in a dark alley, I shudder to think what might occur.

As if I hadn't kissed enough ass already, here are some other recommended Giants blogs. I'll have permanent links to these once I get enough time to put them down.

El Lefty Malo
Los Angeles Blues of Westwood
Across the Seams

And finally, for an all-too-appropriate Valentine's Day poem, check out this piece of genius, posted on McCovey Chronicles by a guy named pantsman. I don't know exactly what that name implicates, but if its anything like ASSMAN, it has to be good.

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